Collector's Choice
Transient Labs' Collector's Choice contract extends the Doppelganger contract by letting the creator freeze metadata after a certain period of time..
Collector's Choice is a contract that builds off our ERC7160TL contract to allow creators to add metadata to a contract-wide array. Collectors of tokens on this contract can then change their tokens to display any desired metadata option available in the array. The creator can set a cutoff time, after which, the metadata array is frozen and collector's cannot change their metadata. This leads to interesting gamification & designs.
Contract-Wide Metadata Array
Instead of minting specific metadata for a specific token, creators simply add metadata to an array on the contract. This array is dynamic and can grow (almost) infinitely big. All tokens then have access to this array.
Collectors of the tokens on this contract can choose to change their token's metadata to any option in the array. This emits a MetadataUpdate
event that let's marketplaces re-index the metadata and display it.
As every token has access to the array, this is a new take on an edition that can be used in numerous ways.
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