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Transient Labs ERC-1155 Creator Contract is packed with more innovation than another other solution on the market.


ERC721TL is Transient Labs' Creator Contract compliant with the ERC-1155 specification.


ERC1155TL makes it extremely easy for creators to mint and distribute a token to many recipients in one single transaction.

Batch Token Creation

With our implementation of ERC-1155 tokens, creators must create a token. This allows for a unique token URI per token and for checking if a token exists in the contract. Minting a newly created token can happen in the same transaction, but what if a creator wants to create 10 tokens?

Well they can do this and distribute the tokens in a single transaction!

Batch Burn

ERC1155TL allows for ultra-efficient token burning. A single collector can burn a batch of tokens (different token ids and amounts) in a single transaction!

The burn feature is open to the collector or any operators approved by the collector. This is useful for burn and redeem contracts. This allows burn and redeem contracts to be configurable and determined at a later time.

Updating Token Metadata

Synergy is not possible with the ERC-1155 specification, since there are technically more than one owner of a token. We recognize that metadata updates may be needed so we have included a method to do this. But we encourage artists to avoid updating unless necessary and such caution artists about this in The Lab.


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