Creator Contracts Overview
TL Creator Contracts offer unmatched innovation and gas efficiency while adhering to NFT standards.
General Contract Details
Creator Sovereignty
All Creator Contracts are owned by the creator. Full stop. There is no other option.
Proxy Pattern
TL Creator Contracts are ERC-1167 immutable proxies in order to allow for cheap deployment costs, customization, and transparency. After deployment, the contract logic is not upgradeable and if any new implementation contracts are released, creators must deploy a new contract.
For more background on proxy patterns in, checkout this great article from OpenZeppelin.
For how to deploy our contracts, read more here.
All Transient Labs contracts inherit either from code we have written, or the battle-tested and audited OpenZeppelin contracts. We take security very seriously and utilize fuzz testing with a minimum of 10,000 runs prior to any release.
Source Code
The source code for the TL Creator Contracts can be found on our GitHub.
Last updated