Transient Labs ERC-721 Creator Contract is packed with more innovation than another other solution on the market.
ERC721TL is Transient Labs' Creator Contract compliant with the ERC-721 specification.
ERC721TL allows for single token and multi-token airdrops. Multi-token airdrops are more expensive than batch mints, however, still are market leading for code-less solutions.
Number of Tokens | Market | ERC721TL |
5 | 450,000 | 420,000 |
10 | 830,000 | 675,000 |
100 | 6,200,000 | 5,500,000 |
Batch Minting
ERC721TL implements market leading batch mint operations, while adhering to the ERC-721 specification. This is achieved through the use of custom ownership logic. We also include an Ultra batch mint option that is supported by some of the major platforms like SuperRare and Opensea which uses EIP-2309 to improve the gas efficiency even further. The table and chart below shows gas usage comparison to the current market for batch mints, in gas units.
Tokens | Market | ERC721TL Batch Mint | ERC721TL Batch Mint Ultra |
1 | 210,000 | 176,000 | 176,000 |
5 | 450,000 | 198,000 | 187,000 |
10 | 830,000 | 209,000 | 187,000 |
100 | 6,200,000 | 402,000 | 187,000 |
200 | 12,000,000 | 616,000 | 187,000 |
1,000 | Not Possible | 2,331,000 | 187,000 |
External Mint
ERC721TL has been outfitted with an external mint function that allows for approved mint contracts to mint tokens. This is extremely useful when it comes to minting for direct sales, edition sales, and more! For more on access control, see below.
Synergy is a Transient Labs mechanism to ensure collectors are protected against metadata changes. It is evident that metadata updates are needed in certain cases, although not that often. When needed, the feature is very useful, but could be abused and typically deters traditional art collectors.
To combat this, we have come up with a propose-commit scheme. In the event an update is needed, the creator proposes a metadata update. The collector can then visualize the change and approve or reject. Once approved, the metadata is updated, but only then.
The flow below shows Synergy at play.
ERC721TL allows for any collector to burn tokens. This is intended to be used by creators with burn and redeem contracts in the future, but nothing stops collectors from burning tokens as they wish.
The burn function allows for the owner of the token or an approved operator to burn. The operator approval is required for burn and redeem contracts. This allows burn and redeem contracts to be configurable and determined at a later time.
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